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The Student News Site of Terry High School

The Badge

Reflections of a High School Musical Production

You can’t help but think about the work.
Conrad Garcia
Cali DeShazo, Brodie Garza, Alexa Gonzalez, Nadia Alaniz

As we returned from intermission of Terry Theater’s production of “Catch Me if You Can,” and the cast launched into the second act’s opening number “Doctor’s Orders,” I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by this — we had at least another hour of this ahead of us.

I didn’t mean that negatively, though. I thought of how meticulous everything had been; how demanding the actual performance is: singing, dancing, lines, lights, cues, and all the other stuff that I don’t know about that would surely exhaust me. They had a whole second act of it.

Hopefully, it’s incorrect to say this, but performing in a high school musical has to be a thankless job.

Never mind the fact that the lead, Brodie Garza, acted and belted his heart out for two-and-a-half hours, and he will have to do so for another two days after that, plus rehearsals. Never mind that my student Cali DeShazo’s operatic vocals rang through the auditorium despite the fact that she was (and still is as I’m writing this) coughing, blowing her nose, and drudging about during fifth period; just a mere five hours before showtime. Throw in the hundreds of hours of rehearsals, practice, direction, set design, art design, costumes, cues, lights, equipment, music, sound, plus much more that lead up to the performances, and it’s a grueling, passionate task.

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For the first time, I just noticed how hard this thing is; how hard they must work.

If you’re wondering where this is going, I guess it’s just a love letter to high school theater productions. It’s the simple idea that we’ve all unanimously agree that it’s difficult to do be a football player, volleyball player, dancer, academic overachiever, and organization leader, but can we agree that it’s just as difficult to be in theater, down to being just a bit player or set designer?

Let’s give them their flowers. Congratulate them on their performance. Tell them something you liked. Let them know you were there. Also, JUST BE THERE. They want you to be there, and you should be there.

Aside from that, I truly enjoyed the show. In my three years teaching here, it’s the best the audio has ever sounded, in my opinion, and that was just on opening night. The costume design was spectacular and immersive, even with Mr. Rowe standing out from his fellow castmates — he was great too, by the way. The musical numbers were fun, raunchy, silly, and thoughtful. It was fun.

If you get the opportunity to see it, you should. If not for the art of it all, you should at least see it to support your peers and students, Mrs. Gill, and an organization of people who clearly care about this.

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  • J

    JenJan 14, 2024 at 1:52 pm

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Immediately had tears in my eyes while reading thia article. The students, all the students, backstage and onstage, work their tails off. And they all do it with a smile on their face. I plan on sharing this article on every social media I have. Heartfelt and brilliantly written.

  • A

    Alyssa PerezJan 13, 2024 at 1:41 pm

    Thank you so much Mr. Garcia for understanding the dedication and hardwork and commitment it takes to put on something that may seem as menial as a high school theatre production. We appreciate you so much!!
    -Alyssa Perez (Stage Manager of Catch Me if You Can)
