The Student News Site of Terry High School

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The Student News Site of Terry High School

The Badge

2024 Ins and Outs


The start of the new year means the start of vision boards, resolutions, and goals. With the lists of desires to achieve, we all plan on a few changes to make in the habits we have and a few ways on what should be left behind. 

So, what have the students of Terry put for their new year resolutions? 

“This new year, I plan on eating healthier and staying active,” junior Alayna Barcenas said. “I’m in soccer so it helps with my ability to keep myself energized and moving around.”  

By bringing new habits into her life, she also plans to get rid of old habits. 

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“I usually lay around a lot and do much during my free time,” Barcenas said. “I know that to be more active and keep myself from eating too much in a way, I should busy myself with things to get done.” 

With the goal to eat healthier, along the way comes the spirit to want to be more out there. 

“I want to be fearless this new year. I don’t want to be afraid to try new things,” junior Natalie Chapa said. “I want to tackle any opportunities, new relationships, and health habits.” 

Along with this, Chapa also needs to learn to focus on her opinion, most of all on what she does. 

“I don’t want to have to worry about other people’s inputs or what they may think about what I choose to pursue in or try out,” Chapa said. “If I want to try something new, I’ll have to learn that anyone’s negative point of view is simply what they believe, not what I believe.” 

Building more confidence in yourself isn’t just about seizing new opportunities, but also strengthening the skills you already have. 

“My academic comeback will be my goal this year,” senior Arleth Escobar said. “With being a senior this year, I want to make sure that I keep my grades up and eventually get into my dream college.” 

To meet deadlines, procrastination must stop. 

“I know that I’ll have to be on top of my work and get everything due turned in on the exact date, or maybe even before,” Escobar said. “I must prioritize my time and put work before my free time. To relax freely I’ll have to push through the stress of assignments.” 


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About the Contributor
Valerie Barcenas
Valerie Barcenas, Editor in Chief
Magazine has helped me learn to speak out more about my interests, and interact better socially. Expanding my music taste, trying out new styles, and watching Ateez content is what I do for fun. I hope that this year I can learn what it is to lead and practice new techniques.
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